Helping Missionary Kids Reintegrate to Canadian Culture / PAUL DYCK

Paul grew up in India and he came back to Canada, but in his heart he was not Canadian, Paul was Indian and he is still Indian today, even though he does not look Indian.

"I am a hidden immigrant. I came to Canada as an eleven year old. I really feel at home in India. I love Canada, I have lived here for 50 years, but I still feel the most at home in India" explains Paul.

Many of the missionary kids that Paul and his team work with who went over as young children. Some where born in Canada but they are working in reservations or remote parts of Canada. When they come back it a difficult transition for them. Some of them do not want to go, and they get upset with their parents and ask them why they are taking them away as they see the missionary location as their home. They want to stay in that country, they have become in love with the people and the country.

 Paul was born in India. We knew of snow, but we did not know to play with it. When he and his family came to British Columbia, there was a huge snow storm, and he wanted to taste the snow and play with the snow. Things were dramatically different. Paul had grown up in a place where white people are the minority, and going to Canada, he was now a part of the majority.

"People think that I am a Canadian, and that I would act like a Canadian but I felt out of place. The friends that I made did not understand me" explains Paul.

As a result, Paul founded a ministry called Missionary Kid Network, where he and his team help missionary kids to help them reintegrate back into Canadian culture as well as help parents with the reintegration of their children.

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