You Be You: Why Satisfaction and Success Are Closer Than You Think / JAMIE IVEY

in her new book, You Be You: Why Satisfaction and Success Are Closer Than You Think Jamie Ivey, bestselling author and host of the popular "The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey" podcast (25M+ total downloads), wants women to know that making their mark on the world doesn't happen by mimicking someone else's life or calling. An abundant life is closer than they think; they just need to know how to take hold of it.

"We've all seen motivational posts on social media that say things like, ‘Girl, you got this' and ‘You control your destiny,'" says Ivey. "These ideas are super motivating, but they're shallow and unsustainable. They are not capable of bringing lasting hope and peace to someone's life or powerful enough to help us overcome real-life struggles. I want women to know that the One who made them has the days of their lives already numbered, planned, and written." In You Be You, Ivey draws from her personal experiences to encourage women in a way that's charming, relatable, and relevant. Ivey insists that living faithfully in the here and now is the key to an abundant life and encourages women to turn to God - and away from social media feeds - to discover their purpose and direction. "Every woman has talents and giftings that he's invested in them, designed for a purpose way bigger than herself. I want every woman to know that no tragedy is oppressive enough to suffocate what God has put her on this earth for. Embracing this leads to true satisfaction and success—right here, right now."

