Finding Life After Surviving a Horrific Car Accident

Amanda Legault had always dreamed of being an author. On April 22, 2009 God wrote a story of His redeeming love on her life. Amanda's SUV was flattened like a tin can under an 80,000-pound semi-truck.

Amanda has written "In My Wake" to share her amazing story.

Amanda was driving 100 KM/HR down the highway and on an intersecting highway a semi-truck was also going 100 KM/HR. The highways intersected and she T-boned him after missing a stop sign.

These are pictures of the accident and many wondered how she got out alive.

Amanda says God must have divinely inspired her to not drive correctly. She use to drive with the belt behind her back due to a neck problem. When she saw the truck at the last moment she bent down. Still she collapsed her lungs, her neck got broken due to the amount of pressure.

Another evidence of the hand of God in this was that STAR air ambulance who was not usually active there but were there due to the flooding in 2009. In 11 minutes got her to help.

She went to Winnipeg Hospital for induced coma for 3 weeks.

Amanda shares about how her teen years were a disaster. She did drugs, she was promiscuous, she was very selfish and complacent in that. By the time her accident happened when she was 21 years old she had changed a lot but in her head she was still selfish. She was away from God but before the accident she had rededicated her life to God but she wasn't in the right place in her mind. Her and her husband were engaged at the time but probably wouldn't have stayed together.

She had been living with her fiancé and made a decision prior to the accident to live separately until they could be married. Kyle was not a believer but became a believer through the journey through the accident. He prayed to take her pain and for 3 days had a bad neck ache.

Amanda says,

"Even when I haven't been capable of seeking Him, He let me find Him. My God is real LOVE"

When the world fell out from under her and she had nothing to hold onto God allowed her to feel the impact of Him catching her. She was so far away but He was still there.

It is a recurring theme in the Bible.

Disaster comes before Deliverance.

The Cross comes before Salvation.

Death comes before life.

What Amanda went through was a real example of that.

Sometimes God has to wreck a life before He can save it - Oswald Chambers

She didn't remember what her real life was. She didn't know how to walk, she didn't know how to talk, she was wearing diapers, she couldn't eat. It felt like a dream.

Amanda's book gives assurance that people in coma's are aware.

She had one reality, "never will I leave you, never will I forsake you"

She knew God and that is all that got her through.

Amanda had a praying mother. Who stood by her through everything before the accident and during.

Her daughter Bailey was 18 months old at the time and she recognized her. She gave her motivation to go on.

When Amanda came out of the coma she said, "love Jesus, love Jesus, love Jesus".

6 months after she got back she married her fiancé. They were both baptised. She had a second beautiful baby. She is living a new life.